Rules 📜

All framers (joiner) will be on a random base devided into 2 teams:

  1. West
  2. East
When you click on '🔥fight🔥' or vote (+/-) the owner of the frame will get points:
  • 1 join = 5, 10 or 15 points (see booster)
  • Additional Points 1 or -1 point (see frames)
You will get then your own frame and you can start to collect points for you and your team.

Animate your community to take part from your individual frame and get points. Everyone can just generate 1 frame per game per Farcaster ID (FID).

On a game level there might be also activated social checks, so you can just join, when you follow and/or recast and/or like, the activated level is on the cast tab mentioned.

End for this round: 2024-02-29T23:59:59
